Legacy content: This post refers to a feature which has been enhanced since launch. Screenshots and other information may be out of date. For a more recent article on buckets, please visit the 2024 article on the bucket feature in Majestic.

We like to think of Buckets (not the domestic kind, but our ones) as a link management suite. Instead of being overwhelmed with loads of links and data, Buckets allow you to list and digest links that are of interest to you and only you.

We have updated the above “Using Buckets” video and hope you have found it beneficial and enjoyable at the same time. For those of you who prefer reading, rest assured the following text will summarise the video.Bucket icon 2

Those who are familiar with our Report function would have noticed the Bucket icon next to each individual domain. By simply clicking the Buckets, which are next to domain that intrigued you, you would have added those particular domains in your Bucket for later retrieval. This list is easily accessible via the Bucket icon in the top right hand corner.Whilst on the Bucket page, by ticking the domain or cluster of domains which are of interest to you, the Bulk Backlink, Backlink History, Standard & Advanced, Tracking and Site Comparator Reports will all activate enabling you to conduct a in depth research into each of the domains. Click on the any tool icon for a report you wish to see. Please note that the Backlink History and Site Comparator reports will only work when 1-5 domains are selected, whereas the Link Profile Fight only works for 2 domains at a time.

Buckets icons 2With the Bulk Backlink Checker, links can be analysed individually. Not only this, but should you wish, you may also download the files. Whatever tickles your fancy!

Whilst using the Backlink History tool, ensure that up to five URL’s have been chosen and compare the domains over time. However, do remember that the tool works at domain level and not URL. Therefore, any URLs will default to their root domain in the charts.

FExport file icon 2urthermore, the Bucket allows users to create Standard, Advanced and even Tracking reports in bulk. In order to do this, select the URL’s you desire to run reports for and click the applicable report types. You should be able to create up to 100 reports at once provided your subscriptions allows that much analysis. To see our different subscription packages, please click here.

Finally, you are given the opportunity to export the files into a CSV format. This can be done by selecting the option on the bottom right-hand side.

I hope the video and the descriptions have been valuable.


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